


欢迎来到M州! 我们已经准备好让您的转帐过程尽可能顺利. If you have questions or need assistance, contact a member of our admissions team at info@hzexprot.com 或打电话、发短信或聊天877.450.3322,或电邮 enroll@hzexprot.com.


完成 应用程序 申请进入大发彩票平台.


向M州提交你的高中/GED和所有大学成绩单. 成绩单应以PDF格式通过电子邮件发送至 records@hzexprot.com 或者直接从你就读的高中/大学寄来:

费格斯瀑布, MN 56537

*Only official college transcripts will be reviewed for transfer credits (sent directly from the institution to M州).


如果你在另一个机构上过课,那是 明尼苏达州立学院和大学系统, 大发彩票平台可以通过电子方式获取你的成绩单, 只要你在那个机构没有未偿还的债务. (Please note that the University of Minnesota is not part of the Minnesota State system.)你不需要向这些机构索取成绩单. 然而, it is your responsibility to notify us of new or updated transcripts that become available electronically after initial admission to M州. 请使用 电子成绩单申请表格 (在学生记录下找到, 学术记录表格)通知我们可用的电子成绩单.


Transfer of credit for courses taken at institutions outside the United States will be based on evaluation by a NACES accredited international evaluating agency such as 韦斯 or ECE or SpanTran. If you wish to have these credits evaluated, it is your responsibility to obtain a course-by-course 由这些机构之一进行评估,并将其提供给大发彩票平台.


Transfer of credit for courses taken at non-regionally accredited institutions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 如果你想复习这些课程, 你需要提供额外的文件(课程大纲), 教练证书, and a course schedule) prior to decisions being made regarding the transferability of these courses.


Students who wish to transfer credits earned through military education or training must request their official 联合服务成绩单 be sent directly to M状态处理中心, 书院道1414号, 费格斯瀑布, MN 56537. M州根据ACE的建议授予军事训练学分. 有关资料可参阅 军事信贷转移 给明尼苏达州系统的机构.


如果你已经通过其他机构,如 大学先修课程(AP), 大学水平考试计划(CLEP), DSST (Dantes),国际文凭(IB),技术预备证书等.,这些成绩单也应提交给大发彩票平台进行评估. 你也可以利用 Transferology for additional information about how these exams or credits will transfer to M州.


一旦收到所有成绩单和任何必要的证明文件, 大发彩票平台将用四周的时间来评估你的学分. 在你的成绩单被评估之后, you can view your Degree Audit Reporting System (DARS) audit to see how the credits have been transferred and applied to your chosen major at M州.

有些课程可以转换为相当于M州立课程, some may be assigned within a Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) goal area and others may be elective transfer credits. See the "How Will My Courses Be Evaluated for Transfer" section below for specific information.

并不是每一门课程都适用于你选择的专业. How your transfer credits are used at M州 also may change if you declare a new major.



  • 明尼苏达转学课程(MnTC)课程
    • Courses completed at MnSCU system institutions that fulfill any MnTC goal area(s) will be accepted at M州 based on the goal area(s) assigned at the institution where the course was taken.
      • 课程将被视为直接等同于特定的M州立课程. If equivalency is granted and there is a discrepancy of goal area(s) assigned between the course taken and the equivalent M州 course, 该课程将只保留发送机构的目标领域.
    • Courses completed at non-MnSCU institutions may be given MnTC credits in one of the following ways:
      • 如果该课程与MnTC内的M州立课程直接等同, 它将被分配到与大发彩票平台课程相关的目标区域.
      • 如果课程不等同于具体的M州立课程, 它仍然可以被分配到一个或多个MnTC目标区域。.
  • 不属于MnTC的课程
    • Courses are first considered for direct equivalency to any courses currently in M州's course inventory.
    • Courses that are not directly equivalent to an M州 course will be given general transfer credit for possible use as an elective, 取决于学生选择的专业. 这些课程在DARS审核中以TRANT或TECHT为前缀进行标识.
    • 任何被认为是技术性的课程都受学院的限制 近因政策 
    • Courses that are below college level will be assigned as preparatory and may not be used to fulfill program requirements, although courses may be considered as equivalent to M州's preparatory courses for the purposes of fulfilling developmental course requirements and/or course prerequisites. Preparatory courses that are not considered equivalent to any M州 course will be identified on the DARS audit with a prefix of REMDT.


如果你学过技术类课程,并且想转到大发彩票平台, 这些学分的评估可能需要额外的时间. Faculty within the specific program area will be consulted to assist in determining equivalency. 可以确定, 因为与这些课程相关的专业内容和/或技能, 该课程可能与你选择的课程不相同.

技术转移课程受大发彩票平台的限制 近因政策, which states that technical courses have a life span of five years from the date the course was completed. 可能会授予特定于程序的例外.

学生可以就有关的决定提出上诉 信用证转让政策或程序. 有关如何评估转学课程的更多信息, actions you need to take and what you can do if you disagree with a transfer decision can be found under 转入M状态.


如M州所规定 信用转移程序, students may request further review of a course by providing additional documentation related to the course. This is especially important if the course was taken at an institution outside of the region, was taken many years ago or if there is any other reason why our transfer specialist may not have had access to detailed information about the course.

要要求进一步复习课程,您必须登录esservices. 在左侧菜单中,点击“成绩和成绩单”,然后点击“转学审查/申诉”." You will be able to view your DARS audit and follow the instructions to have any courses or credits reviewed. 您将通过此工具提交支持文档和注释. 大发彩票平台的转会专家将审查这些信息. The status of the review will be visible to you in eServices throughout the process.

初步审查后, 如果你对结果不满意, you may go to the next step as directed on the Transfer Review/Appeal page where you can submit additional documentation and/or rationale. 如果你仍然对学院的转学上诉决定不满意, you may complete the final step as directed on the Transfer Review/Appeal page for consideration at the system office level. 系统级申诉的程序在明尼苏达州程序3中定义.21.1 本科学分转换.


If you received a grade of D in a course that was taken at another MinnState institution and was assigned within any of the MnTC goal area(s), course will transfer with the D grade regardless of your GPA at that institution. 记住,如果你要完成整个MnTC或文科 & 科学AA学位,MnTC将需要完成至少2.0的绩点.

为 any other courses taken at MinnState institutions and for all courses taken at institutions outside of the MinnState system, courses in which you earned a grade of D will be accepted in transfer if your overall GPA at the sending college or university is 2.0或更高. 如果你在发送机构的平均绩点低于2.0、D级课程不接受转学.

Individual M州 programs reserve the right to not accept D grade courses in fulfillment of program requirements.